Resources and information for growing grapes in Montana.
Papers and Research
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture – Provides a realistic picture of the process and what it takes to be successful by using web-based decision-making tools.
“Considering a Vineyard?”, Dr. Paul Domoto, Professor of Fruits, Nuts, & Fruit Trees Iowa State University
Larry Robertson and others, 2015 Nebraska Vita Nord Presentation, “Montana’s Grape & Wine Industry”. Larry Robertson, USDA, Dept. Natural Resources Conservation, Soil Conservationist
Cultivating Marquette Like Vinifera, by Bill Ward
Marquette: A Grape Worth Getting to Know, Napa Valley Register
Growing Grapes in Montana, MSU Extension
Informational Sites
Western Agricultural Research Center
University of Minnesota Grape Breeding and Enology
Michigan State University Viticulture
Seeing Past the Piquette Fence, Dr. Andrej Svyantek and Dr. Zhouyu Wang
Fruit Wines, Dr. Zhouyu Wang
Grapevine Crop Load and Canopy Management for Cool Climates,
Dr. Andrej Svyantek, Dr. Zhouyu Wang, Dr. Zach Miller
2021 Montana Vineyard Survey, Dr. Zach Miller
Growing High Quality Cold Climate Grape Varieties, Annie Klodd
Fruit Production: Business Planning, Variety Selection, and Crop/Pest Management, MSU-WARC
Heard it through the Grapevine, Trunk Disease; it’s enough to make you lose your mind, Michael L. White
Achieving Sustainability in Montana Vineyards and Orchards, Dr. Terence Bradshaw
Viticultural Practices to Improve Fruit Quality in Hybrid Grapevines and The NDSU Grape Breeding Program, Syvantek et al.
Itasca: A Winemaker’s Grape for Cold Climates, Matt Clark
Resources for Vineyards and Wineries in Montana, Dr. Zach Miller & Steph Hystad
Vineyard Practices for Crop Yield & Quality, Markus Keller
Cold Climate Wine Grape Disease Management Based On Cultivar Susceptibility and Fungicide Sensitivity, Patricia McManus
Tom Plocher 2017 Presentation: Developing New Cold Resistant Grape Varieties for a Changing Climate
Tom Plocher 2015 Presentation: Managing Vines for Sun Exposure and Quality of the Crop
Bob Thaden 2015 Presentation: Full Overhead Bird Netting