Start date: April 25, 2024
End date: April 27, 2024
All-day event
Location: Billings, Montana

10th Annual MTGWA Annual Conference

Register now for our 10th annual Annual Montana Grape and Wine Association Conference! This year’s conference will be held in Billing, April 25th-27th 2024. Click here to view the MTGWA 2024 Conference Agenda.

Early Registration (Now – April 1st): 

  • Members: $125
    • Additional registration for Member’s spouse or employee: $100
  • Non-Member: $200

Late Registration (After April 1st):

  • Members: $150
    • Additional late registration for Member’s spouse or employee: $125
  • Non-Member: $225

MTGWA 2024 Conference Agenda visual button


Register Now



People’s Choice Wine Competition:

  1. The contest is open to any paid-up member of the MTGWA or any registered attendee at the 2024 MTGWA Conference.
  2. Register wine at the event, or preferably save time and hassle by filling out your form early and emailing it to: See forms links below. All wines must be received 30 minutes prior to the tasting beginning.
  3. Each participant’s first entry is included with conference attendance. Second entry is $5 and third $10, with all proceeds going to the MTGWA.
  4. 4. Max 3 bottles per category
  5. 5. See categories below for MT grown fruit. “Made in Montana” for the purposes of this event, means that you crushed or otherwise juiced fruit, fermented, and bottled the wine in Montana. No kit wines, bottled bulk wine, etc. are allowed.
  6. 6. Wines are welcome from any licensed Montana winery or amateur/hobbyist wine maker. Compare your wine against others in the following categories:
    1. Made In Montana
      1. Red wine (grape)
      2. White wine (grape)
      3. Sparkling wine
      4. Other fruit wine
      5. Cider or Perry
      6. Other: Sweet/Dessert Wine, Mead, Acerglyn, etc.
  7. Sparkling wine must be from secondary fermentation. No forced carbonation allowed.
  8. The tasting and judging of the wines are intended to be blind. Entries will be displayed in paper bags with a number on the bag. Please bring wines (besides cider) in 750ml bottles, without wax caps or other identifying measures on the neck. Labels are fine, as the bottles will be bagged. Cider can be in appropriately sized containers typical to cider.
  9. Any discrepancy or issue that comes up will be settled by the People’s Choice administrative MTGWA board member, and that decision is final. The intent is for this to be a fun contest with good feedback for your wines. Please enter your wine and have a good time.