We are happy to announce the official birth of the Montana Grape and Wine Association!
The MTGWA is now registered and approved for a tax exempt status with the federal/state authorities. Steve Cummings, Don Goodspeed and Daniel Getman have volunteered to manage startup, enroll our members, and schedule the first meeting. We will elect officers and clarify our mission statement.
We are booking speakers with years of experience in cold hardy grape variety development and propagation. We will be hearing from experts in the craft and science of wine making. We’ve had a strong response from all corners of our state and a good attendance
at our first meeting.
With help from the Montana Department of Agriculture’s County Extension Services, we are adding more cold hardy grape vine varieties to our test plots around Montana. There will be tests for various growing techniques. You can imagine our excitement as we plan the new activities for the upcoming year and for our first official meeting!
Stay tuned for news of the season. We are going to be touching upon all subjects regarding our beautiful vineyards and wineries in Montana.